
red typewriter with paper in carriage

31 Days of 5-Minute Free-Writes

Day 4: Why?

It is now the fourth day of my book-baby shower for Reflections of a Mother’s Heart. Perhaps some of you are wondering why I want to bring this book into the world. What is my motivation? So today I am opening the floor for your questions.

Why do you write?

Because there is a message inside of me that’s burning to be released.

Why this particular subject?

I love to tell stories, and I love to teach. In this book the teaching is very low-key, as I’m simply sharing things the Lord has taught me, but the stories take a front-row seat.

You also write poetry. Why start with the “mom” journal instead of a poetry collection?

That’s a very good question. To be honest, I have also begun to compile a few poetry collections with publication in mind, but I am deliberately holding off on them until this baby is born. The reason simply is that this was my first idea, and so I believe it deserves special attention. Not only that, but it has been a family project, so it means a lot to others as well as myself. And frankly, I have found it harder than writing poetry. If I were to start with a poetry book, Reflections might never get off the back burner.

Why put out multiple short volumes instead of one big book of anecdotes?

Another good question. I had originally considered a longer book, one with 180 entries to correspond to the 180 days in a school year. However, the entries read like devotionals, so my editor suggested I treat it more like a devotional book. While I have seen some lengthy devotional books on the shelves in stores, many of them are smaller, covering a month or six weeks. So, in keeping with the school-year theme, I went with 45 entries per volume, which equates to one quarter of a school year.

Why ask for our stories?

There are two reasons why I am encouraging my readers to submit their own stories.

  1. I will eventually exhaust all my own.
  2. Other mothers have some fascinating stories to tell, but might not wish to write their own book. I can help them share the joy (or divide the sorrow) by including their stories in my book.

Well, friends that’s all the questions we have time for right now. But if your question did not get answered, then by all means, write it in the comments below.

Maybe you don’t have a question for me. In not, then tell me… Why do you write?

Kate Motaung, host of Five-Minute Friday, has challenged us to 31 Days of Five-Minute Free Writes, in which we will explore the telling of our story. This isn’t the first such challenge of hers, but it is the first for me. Thank you for sharing it with me. If you missed the first few days, you can jump to the beginning here.

A penny for your thoughts...