God of My Rock


"Rock of Ages" old lava formation

“Rock of Ages” Skyline Drive, Virginia

What is my source of protection and power?
My high tower.
Where do I flee in the hour of deluge?
To my refuge.
Who shows me unbounded merciful favor?
My dear Savior.

Settled am I and will no longer waver;
Though they may try, nor hell’s demons may sever—
God of my rock, I will trust Him forever,
My high tower, refuge, and Savior.


2 Samuel 22:3 “The God of my rock; in Him will I trust: He is my shield, and the horn of my salvation, my high tower, and my refuge, my Savior.”

Copyright © 2018 Angela Umphers Rueger – All Rights Reserved

Ovillejo — Spanish decastich (10-line) form first used by Miguel de Cervantes
The first stanza is a series of rhyming couplets where the first line is a four-syllable question and the second line is a two-syllable answer.
The second stanza is a redondilla (quatrain in trochaic tetrameter) that wraps up the theme of the first stanza. Line 10 is comprised of lines 2, 4, and 6.
Metric Pattern: 4-2-4-2-4-2, 4-4-4-6
Rhyme Scheme: aabbcc cddc
Rhythm: Normally trochaic, but this one is dactylic.

About the photo:

This photo was taken on a trail off Skyline Drive in Virginia in 2014. A sign beside the trail afforded the following information regarding this curious formation: “There is change even in the rocks. Look for an outstanding example of columnar jointing. Jutting from the earth like a giant crystal, it is the remains of an ancient lava flow that cooled, contracted, and solidified into an array of columns. Erosion claimed the rocks that used to surround it, but, like the rest of the forest, it reflects both change and resilience.”

I would like to add that although the rocks on earth may change and erode over time, the Rock upon which I stand will never change. Jesus Christ is the same yesterday, and today, and forever (Hebrews 13:8).



3 thoughts on “God of My Rock

  1. Pingback: O God, How Long? ~ Psalm 74 | From guestwriters

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