FMF: Rush

people going here and there


Ready in a moment’s notice
Under pressure to perform
Steady nerves—oh yes, I know this
Hurry! There’s a coming storm.

An acrostic poem, written for the Five Minute Friday prompt: RUSH.

Never before have I been more motivated to limit the writing of this post to five minutes, for I really should be getting ready for work right now. The only reason I decided to write for today’s prompt was because it was so easy. I’m nearly always rushing somewhere. 🙂

And yet our Lord tells us not to rush, but to rest.

Psalm 37:7  Rest in the LORD, and wait patiently for Him….

Am I wrong to rush? Only when I have not first rested in Him.

Photo courtesy of Kate Motaung of the FMF link-up

6 thoughts on “FMF: Rush

  1. Angela,
    what a delight to come visit and read your acrostic poem!
    Truly, I missed the boat this time by not putting scripture in, so I thank you doubly for the verse you shared. Rest has been my word for this past year. My new one is “All”. And I can rest knowing He’s got it all.
    Thank you for the blessing of your contribution this week. 🙂
    (#5 this week)

    Liked by 1 person

    • You’re quite welcome, Tammy. I don’t always use Scripture either, but I do try.
      It’s neat that you have a word of the year. A couple other ladies have done the same thing. I created an acrostic with my name and included a verse to go along with each word, with the intention of memorizing all the verses by the end of the year. The word for ‘A’ was “abide,” and the verse was John 15:4. That’s pretty much as far as I’ve gotten in my study, so you might say that “abide” has been my word for the year. And that’s quite all right. 🙂


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