We’re Going to the Fair

my display at the Timeless Vintage Market

We’re going to the fair,
Our handmade art to sell.
We’re going to the fair,
And hope to do quite well.
We’re going to the fair!

Can you the popcorn smell?
We’re going to the fair!
Come in the tent and shop a spell,
With local crafters everywhere.
We’re going to the fair!

Bid studio farewell;
We’re going to the fair!
When we return, such tales we’ll tell;
We hope to see you there.
We’re going to the fair!

This weekend (Friday, Saturday, and Sunday) I will be at the Timeless Vintage Market selling my piano art: Encore! Old Pianos with a New Song. I’ve been looking forward to this weekend since December 31st, although I must admit that blogging and writing poetry frequently got in the way of my preparations. Not to mention life. But here it is, and here am I. My display is full, and my prayer is that it will not stay that way. Wouldn’t it be nice to sell out? That’s wishful thinking, I know, but I like to aim high. This is the first show I have ever attended that went more than one day, so it is super exciting.

If you live locally, you are invited to stop by the

Pensacola Fairgrounds


Saturday [today], 9am-5pm
Sunday, 10am-4pm

Please pray for me. My blog posts are scheduled, and I’ll get back to read and respond to comments as soon as I can.

Ecclesiastes 9:10  Whatsoever thy hand findeth to do, do it with thy might; for there is no work, nor device, nor knowledge, nor wisdom, in the grave, whither thou goest.

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Copyright © 2018 Angela Umphers Rueger – All Rights Reserved

Balada = 3 stanzas of 5 lines each with a “persistent” refrain
Line length and rhythm are according to poet’s discretion.
Rhyme scheme: AbAbA bAbaA bAbaA, where A is the refrain

Photos taken at the Pensacola Fairgrounds in Pensacola, FL, 2018



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